Our references
Our references
FOBOS XR the standard forensics procedure | Montgomery County TX 

Forensics services at Montgomery County serve the community...

FOBOS XR the standard forensics procedure | Montgomery County TX
Mattress and personal belongings scanner 

Experience from the use of mattress and personal belongings scanner. Contraband in prisons: a major threat and challenge

LINEV Systems UK Case 01
LINEV Systems Prison Mattress Inspection BV MAX X-ray image LINEV Systems UK Case 01
Hall County Jail’s Latest Tactic to Keep Prisoners Under Control: CLEARPASS Scanner 

A new body scanner in GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska is being used to detect threats and prevent drugs and weapons from being smuggled into the Hall County Jail.

Hall County Jail’s Latest Tactic to Keep Prisoners Under Control: CLEARPASS Scanner Hall County Jail’s Latest Tactic to Keep Prisoners Under Control: CLEARPASS Scanner Hall County Jail’s Latest Tactic to Keep Prisoners Under Control: CLEARPASS Scanner

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